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Membership section
This is the member plan section, when looking to become a memember please note that when your sign up you are required to put in the following information:
1. Your Name (First Mainly)
2. Email
3.Contact Number
If you don't do any of the following rules listed " YOU WILL NOT" become a verified memeber of anything on my site. I will not allow any expection on this rule.
IF you are looking on how to update your contact information you must log-in at the top banner by my name and clicking ther Bell icon on the right handside
Go to > Account and fill out the information needed.
Choose your pricing plan
Free Membership
0$ÂFree Access to booking for approved members only!Free Plan- Contact infordmation
- Blog
- 1 Video/ Chat sessions for free 3 minutes
Vip MAV Fans package
2$Every monthGet full access to everything on my webpageÂ- Blog
- Booking sessions
- See My Merchandise
- Photo's
- Video's
- BUY Video's/ Photo's
- Book up to 100 sessions preadvance
- Seeing my Schedule for the week
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